Frederick Clement has been practicing law since 1993 in Redding, California. Mr. Clement is reportedly "looking forward to his new job", but "loves the Redding area and will miss it." Rightfully so, Mr. Clement has been a resident of Redding for over 20 years. He is expected to take chambers in Fresno for his 14-year (renewable) term.
He is a certified specialist in all areas of bankruptcy law and represents individuals and businesses with debt problems before federal and state courts. His resume says he has litigated in state courts, handling business and real estate disputes, and he has been involved in a large number of bench trials and two multi week jury trials. With seven judges, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of California is the fifth busiest bankruptcy court in the nation but it sounds like Mr. Clement has the experience to fill the shoes of an outgoing, fair and competent Judge.
To file a bankrutpcy case in the Eastern District of California or for any further information, please feel free to contact our Fresno Bankruptcy Attonreys | |
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